Mailing Address: Jim Thomas Dept of Sociology Northern Illinois University DeKalb, IL 60115 Voice: (312) 498-9207 E-Mail: _________________________________________________________________ Current Position: NIU Distinguished Teaching Professor (emeritus) Sociology Northern Illinois University (NIU) DeKalb, IL 60115 (815-753-6436) Academic Record 2007-Present: Distinguished Teaching Professor, NIU (Emeritus) 2007-2010: Visting & Adjunct Professor, University of Illinois/Chicago 1979-2007 Professor - Sociology-Criminal Justice, NIU 1980 Ph.d. Michigan State University (Sociology) 1974 M.A. Michigan State University (Social Science: History, Sociology) 1972-1974 Ph.d. Candidate, Trinity College, Dublin (Ireland)(Political Science, History, Philosophy) 1967 B.A. Michigan State University (Social Science: History, Psychology)
2008 David Maines Narrative Sociology Award (Midwest Sociology Society) 2003 Faculty Sabbatical for study of Teaching/Prisons 1999 David Raymond Grant (for Online Teaching) 1997 College of Continuing Education Grant (NIU) (Net Strategies and Distance Learning) 1993 Faculty Sabbatical for study of Computer Culture 1991 Graduate School Summer Grant (Computer Culture) 1986 Faculty Sabbatical for study of prisoner and civil rights law 1982 Faculty Research Grant (NIU)--study of prison law in Federal Courts 1980 Faculty Research Grant (NIU) for study of maximum security prisons 1979 LEAA Graduate Fellowship - impact of Federal funding on policing research 1974 Michigan State University Graduate Fellowship Teaching Awards 2005 - present NIU Distinguished Teaching Professor 2000-2004 University Presidential Teaching Professor 1999 American Society of Criminology, E-Mentor of the Year 1998-99 Nominee, University Presidential Teaching Professor 1997-98 Teacher of the Year, Dept of Sociology 1997-98 Nominee, University Presidential Teaching Professor 1996-97 Nominee, University Presidential Teaching Professor 1986-87 University Nominee, Outstanding Teacher 1984-85 College Nominee, Outstanding Teacher 1979-80 Teacher of the Year, Dept of Sociology (NIU)
Memberships: Correctional Accreditation Managers Association --(Secretary & Board of Directors, 2012-present) Illinois Correctional Association: Secretary (2011-present) Society for the Study of Social Problems Midwest Sociological Association American Society of Criminology Society for Study of Symbolic Interaction American Correctional Association --(Student Affairs Committee --(Dual Chapters/Joint Membership Committee) Correctional Education Association Editorial Boards of: Past ASA's Critical Criminology Division Past Board of Directors: Crim. Justice Distance Learning Consortium Symbolic Interaction: Technology Advisor (1997-2002) Computer underground Digest (Editor, 1990-2000) Areas of Interest Prisons / Prison policy Correctional standards and accreditation Philosophy of punishment Juvenile Incercration Qualitative Research Methods Research Ethics /Responsible Conduct of Scholarship Historical Sociology/Culture Online education Sociology of Law Computers and Society / Computer Culture Social Theory/Political Philosophy Unix Systems Administration
University of Illinois/Chicago (2008-2010) Criminal Justice Criminal Justice Systems (graduate) Corrections (undergraduate) Northern Illinois University (1979 - Present) Methods Documentary Methods Qualitative Methods (graduate/undergraduate) Field Methods (graduate) Critical Ethnography (graduate) Multimethods Theory Contemporary Theory (graduate) Classical Theory (graduate) Dialectical Theory (graduate) Sociological Theory (undergraduate) Criminology Comparative Criminology Criminal Justice Systems (graduate/undergraduate) Criminal Procedures and Police Criminology (Introduction) Criminological Theory (graduate) Juvenile Delinquency (also online) Law and Society (graduate) Nature of Crime (graduate) Penology and Corrections (graduate/undergraduate) (also online) Philosophy of Punishment (undergraduate) Sociology of Law (graduate/undergraduate) Punishment and Society (Special topics) (also online) Other Introductory Sociology Peace and Social Justice (graduate/undergraduate) (also online) Thesis/Dissertation Supervision (Phd/MA: chair, member) Dixon Correctional Center (2003 - 2004) Introductory Sociology Social Problems Stateville (Illinois) Correctional Center (1980-1986) Criminal Procedures Penology Social Disorganization Sociological Inquiry Sociological Theory (and others) Michigan State University (1975-1978) Political Sociology Social Psychology Sociological Research: Dialectical theory Sociology Honors: History of Social Thought Sociology Honors: Existential Literature/society U.S. Society (social culture and problems) Lansing (Michigan) Community College (l975-76) Introductory Sociology
J. Thomas. (In Process). Communicating Prison Culture: J. Thomas and B. Zaitzow (eds). 2003. Gender and Social Control in Women's Prisons. Denver: Lynne Reinner. J. Thomas. 1993. Doing Critical Ethnography. Beverly Hills (Calif.): SAGE. J. Thomas. 1988. Prisoner Litigation: The Paradox of the Jailhouse Lawyer. Totowa, NJ: Rowman and Littlefield. J. Thomas. 1983. Chicago Sociology: The Tradition and the Legacy. edited special issue of Urban Life, 11(January), Beverly Hills: SAGE.
((*) indicates Thomas as senior author) J. Thomas. 2010. "CAMA and Students: Why Bother?" The Criterion (Correctional Accreditation Managers Association). April. 13-15. J. Thomas. 2009. "Getting there from here:(CAMA, Colleges, and Corrections - CAMA and Students." The Criterion (Correctional Accreditation Managers Association). December. 6-7. J. Thomas. 2008. "Revisiting 'Ethnograpy: Principles and Practice:'" International Journal of Multiple Research Approaches. J. Thomas. 2008. "Nietzche at Northern: An Existential Narrative of Confronting the Abyss." Social Psychology Quarterly. 71(2): 109-113. J. Thomas. 2008. "Passing Time: The Ironies of Food in Prison Culture." Pp (166-179 in Food, Eating and Culture (L. C. Rubin, ed). McFarland. J. Thomas* and Josh Stone. 2007. "Faith-based Prison Programming. pp 275-287 in Controversies in Criminal Justice (G. Barak, ed.). Wesport (Conn): Greenwood Press. Adam King and Jim Thomas. 2007. "You Can't Cheat an Honest Man: Making (dollars) and sense of the Nigerian Email Scam." pp (206-224) in Crimes of the Internet. F. Schmalleger and M. Pittaro (eds.). Upper Saddle River (NJ): Prentice Hall. J. Thomas. 2007. "Prisoner Litigation." pp 567-578 in Controversies in Criminal Justice (G. Barak, ed.). Wesport (Conn): Greenwood Press. J. Thomas* and Will Mingus. 2007. "Sex Offender Registries." pp 681-693 in Controversies in Criminal Justice (G. Barak, ed.). Wesport (Conn): Greenwood Press. J. Thomas* and Barbara H. Zaitzow*. 2006. "Conning or Conversion? The Role of Religion in Prison Coping." The Prison Journal. 86(2): 242-259. J. Thomas*, M. Leaf, S. Kazmierczak, and J. Stone. 2006. Self-Injury in Correctional Settings: "Pathology" of Prisons or of Prisoners? Crime and Public Policy. 5(February): 1001-1011. J. Thomas. 2005. "The Moral Ambiguity of Social Control in Cyberspace: A Retro-assessment of the "Golden Age" of Hacking." New Media & Society. 7(5): 599-624. J. Thomas. 2004. Encyclopedia articles in Encyclopedia of Prisons and Correctional Facilities. Sage: Thousand Oaks (Calif). "Jeremy Bentham," pp 71-73. "Clemency," pp 134-137. "Hooch," pp 443-445. "Stateville," pp 926-929. With Mary Bosworth: "Food," pp. 330-333. With Patrick MacManimon: "The Importation Model," pp. 459-462. With Dragan Milovanovic: "Jailhouse Lawyers," pp 493-495. J. Thomas. 2004. Cyperpoaching behind the Keyboard: Uncoupling the Ethics of "Virtual Infidelity." Pp 164-194 in Net.SeXXX: Investigating Sex, Pornography, and the Internet (D. Waskul, ed). New York: Peter Lang. J. Thomas, et. al. 2003. "Critiquing the Critics of Peacemaking Criminology: some Rather Ambivalent Reflections on the Theory of 'Being Nice'." Pp 101-134 in Kieran McEvoy and Tim Newburn (eds.), Criminology and Conflict Resolution. London: Macmillan. (pp. 144-167). New York: Peter Lang. J. Thomas. 2003. "An Overview of Critical Ethnography." Pp. 218-228 in The Sage Encyclopedia of Social Science Research and Method. Thousand Oaks (Calif.) SAGE. J. Thomas. 2003. "Critical Ethnography and the Problems of Outsiders Looking in." Pp. 45-54 in Expressions of Ethnography. (R. Claire ed.). New York: SUNY Press. J. Thomas. 2002. "Institutionalizing the Ethics of Online Research: Skirting the Edges." Pp. 172-83 in Online Social Research. S. Chen and G. J Hall (eds.) New York: Peter Lang. J. Thomas. 2002. "Some Thoughts on Bosworth's Engendering Resistance: Challenging Symbolic Violence in Prisoner Culture Research." Violence against Women, 8(March): 403-412. J. Thomas. 2002. "Big Brother, or Allies? in Defense of IRBs and RCR." SSSI Notes. 29(March): 4-6. J. Thomas. 2001. "Do Sociologists Need 'Ethical Education'?" The Midwest Sociologist. 44(September): 5. C. Achison* and J. Thomas*. 2000. "The Internet and the State: Instrument of the State, or Subversive Technology?" Radical Criminology: An International Journal. 9(Autumn): 163-170. J. Thomas. 2000. "A Curmudgeonly Look at the Myth of the 'Information Age.'" SSSI Notes, 27(December): 8-9. J. Thomas. 2000. "Online Distance 'Education' an an Oxymoron?: An Interactionist's View." SSSI Notes. 27(June): 3, 17. J. Thomas. 1999. "Balancing the Ethical Conundrums of Internet Research." Iowa Journal of Communication. 31(Spring): 8-20. D. McArthur, T. McGee & J. Thomas*. 1999. "Update: Reversing the Pendulum of Prisoners' Rights." Pp 112-115 in D. Stephens (Ed.), Perspectives: Corrections. Coursewise, Inc. D. Milovanovic* and J. Thomas*. 1999. "(Re)Visiting the Jailhouse Lawyer: An Excursion into Constitutive Criminology." pp 227-246 in S. Henry and D. Milovanovic (eds), Constitutive Criminology at Work: Applications to Crime and Justice. SUNY Press (Albany). J. Thomas* and I. Sabau. 1997. "Critical Criminology Meets the Net: Carrying the Revolution to Cyberspace." The Critical Criminologist. 9(Sept): *-*. J. Thomas* & Isabelle Sabau. 1997. "Theory and Praxis on the Internet: A Critical Exploration of the Electronic Frontier." Critical Criminology: An International Journal. 8(2): 1-7. J. Thomas. 1996. "Introduction: A Debate about the Ethics of Fair Practices for Collecting Data in Cyberspace." The Information Society, 12(2): 107-117. J. Thomas. 1996. "When Cyber-Research Goes Awry: The Ethics of the Rimm 'Cyberporn' Study." The Information Society. 12(2): 189-197. J. Thomas. 1994. "Writing Sociology in the Cyber-age." Writing Sociology, 3(1). J. Thomas. 1994. "The Ironies of Prison Education." Pp. 25-41 in H. Davidson (ed.), Schooling in a Total Institution. Westport (Conn.): Greenwood Press. J. Thomas* and S. Boehlefeld. 1991. "Rethinking Abolition: 'What do we do with Henry'?" Social Justice, 18(Fall): 239-251. J. Thomas. 1991. "The Meaning of Race in Prisoner Culture: Snapshots in Black and White." Pp. 126-144 in M. Lynch and E. B. Patterson (eds.), Race and Criminal Justice. New York: Harrow and Heston. J. Thomas* and H. Mika. 1991. "Prison Disciplinary Proceedings: The Social Enactment of Power." Justice Quarterly, 8(March): 37-57. J. Thomas. 1991. "Prisoner Cases as Narrative" (reprint). Pp. 237-261 in D. Papke, Nararative and the Legal Discourse, Liverpool (Eng.): Deborah Charles Publications. J. Thomas* and G. Meyer. 1990. "Joe McCarthy in a Leisure Suit: (Witch)Hunting for the Computer Underground." The Critical Criminologist, 2(September): 7-8, 19-20. G. Meyer and J. Thomas*. 1990. "The Baudy World of the Byte Bandit: A Postmodernist Interpretation of the Computer Underground." Pp. 31-67 in F. Schmalleger (ed.), Computers in Criminal Justice. Bristol (Indiana): Wyndham Hall. J. Thomas*, B. Suchner*, and A. Aylward. 1990. "Judicial Decision Making in Prisoner Civil Rights Litigation." Journal of Crime and Justice. 12(12): 109-145. J. Thomas* and P.A. O'Maolchatha. 1989. "Re-Assessing the Critical Metaphor: An Optimistic Revisionist View." Justice Quarterly, 6(June): 101-130. J. Thomas*, P. Wheeler, J. Findlay and R. Trammell. 1989. "Persephone Chained: Equality or Parity in Women's Prisons?" The Prison Journal, 69(Spring-Summer): 88-102. D. Milovanovic and J. Thomas*. 1989. "Overcoming the Absurd: Prisoner Litigation as Primitive Rebellion." Social Problems, 36(February): 48-60. J. Thomas. 1989. "The 'Reality' of Prisoner Litigation: Repackaging the Data." New England Journal of Civil and Criminal Confinement, 15(1): 27-53. J. Thomas. 1988. "Inmate Litigation: Using the Courts or Abusing Them?" Corrections Today, 50(July): 124-127. J. Thomas* and James B. Marquart. 1988. "Dirty Knowledge and Clean Conscience: The Dilemmas of Ethnographic Research." Pp. 81-96 in D. Maines and C. Couch (Eds.), Information, Communication and Social Structure. Springfield, Ill.: Charles C. Thomas. J. Thomas* and H. Mika. 1988. "The Dialectics of Prisoner Litigation: Reformist Idealism or Social Praxis?" Social Justice (Formerly Crime and Social Justice), 15(1): 48-71. J. Thomas* et. al. 1988. "Historical Rhetoric and the Images of Law: Legal Fundamentalism as Ideology." Journal of Crime and Justice, 11(1): 77-100. J. Thomas*, K. Harris and D. Keeler. 1987. "Issues and Misconceptions in Prisoner Litigation." Criminology, 24(4): 901-919. J. Thomas* and E. Erez. 1986. "Tortured Images: Prisoners in the Movies." in Crime in Motion Pictures: Proceedings of the Fourth Annual Conference on Film. (D. Radcliff-Omstead, ed.). Kent State (OH). J. Thomas* et. al. 1985. "Rethinking Prisoner Litigation: Some Preliminary Distinctions between Habeas Corpus and Civil Rights." The Prison Journal, 65(Spring/Summer): 83-106. D. Moton, A. Aylward and J. Thomas*. 1985. "Pedagogical Innovation and Cognitive Interests: A Critical View. New England Sociologist, (Winter): 44-55. J. Thomas. 1984. "Law and Social Praxis: Prisoner Civil Rights Litigation and Structural Mediations." Pp. 141-170 in S. Spitzer and A. Scull (Eds.), Research in Law, Deviance and Social Control (Vol. VI). Greenwich (CT): JAI Press. J. Thomas. 1984. "Some Aspects of Negotiated Order, Mesostructure and Loose Coupling in Maximum Security Prisons." Symbolic Interaction 7(Fall): 213-231. A. Aylward and J. Thomas*. 1984. "Quiescence in Women's Prison Litigation: Some Exploratory Issues," Justice Quarterly, 1(June): 253-276. C. Goldin and J. Thomas*. 1984. "The Cooperative Model in Correctional Education: Symbol or Substance", Adult Education Quarterly. 34(Spring): 123-134. Reprinted in Standard Educational Almanac (18th Edition), 1985. Chicago: Marquis Professional Publications. J. Thomas. 1983. "Justice as Interaction: Loose Coupling and Mediations in the Adversary Process." Symbolic Interaction, 6(Fall): 243-260. J. Thomas. 1983. "Chicago Sociology: An Introduction," Urban Life, 11(January): 387-395. J. Thomas. 1983. "Toward a Critical Ethnography." Urban Life, 11(January). J. Thomas. 1983. "Teaching Sociology in Unconventional Settings: The Irony of Maximum Security Prisons." Teaching Sociology, 10(January): 231-250. J. Thomas. (R) 1982. "Federal Funding and Policing Research: The Impact of Government Sponsorship in Social Science." Knowledge: Creation, Diffusion, Utilization, 3(March): 339-369. J. Thomas. 1982. "New Directions in Deviance Research," in The Sociology of Deviance. A. Turowetz, et. al. (eds). New York: St. Martins: 288-318. J. Thomas. 1981. "Class, State and Political Surveillance: Liberal Democracy and Structural Contradictions." Insurgent Sociologist 11-12(Summer/Fall): 47-58. J. Thomas*, et. al. 1981. "Prison Conditions and Penal Trends," Crime and Social Justice 15(July): 49-55. Reprinted in T. Platt and P. Takagi. 1982, Law and Order in the 1980s: The Rise of the Right. San Francisco: Synthesis Press. J. Thomas*, et. al. 1980. "The Ideology of Prison Research: A Critical View of Stateville: The Penitentiary in Mass Society," in Crime and Social Justice, 14(December): 45-50. J. Thomas. 1980. "The Ideological Control of Knowledge Production: Federal Sponsorship and Social Research," The Transforming Sociology Series, No. 68, Red Feather Institute, Livermore, CO. J. Thomas. 1977. "Marx, Hegel, and Dialectical Method," Insurgent Sociologist, 7(Fall): 49-55. J. Thomas. 1974. "Evolutionist and Marxist Conceptions of Social Change: Two Views," Social Studies (Irish Journal of Sociology), Vol. 2: 335-341. J. Thomas. 1974. "Theory, Method, and the Irish Revolution," Social Studies (Irish Journal of Sociology), Vol 3: 381-402. ____________________________________________________________
2013. The Seduction of Ethics. By Will C. Van Den Hoonaard. Symbolic Interaction (forthcoming). 2012. Forgotten Reformer: Robert McClaughry and Criminal Justice Reform in Nineteenth-Century America. By Frank Morn. Criminal Justice Review. 37(December): 539-40. 2006. Doing Prison Work. By Elaine Crawley. Contemporary Sociology. 35(2): 178-179. 2005. Total Confinement: Madness and Reason in the Maximum Security Prison. By Lorna A. Rhodes. Contemporary Sociology, 34(4): 412-415. 2003. Walking the Tightrope: Ethical Issues for Qualitative Researchers. By Will van den Hoonhaard. Canadian Journal of Sociology and Anthropology. 40(August): **-**. 2003 "Resurrecting the 'Science' of Symbolic Interactionism." Review of D. Maines Faultline of Consciousness. Journal of Contemporary Ethnography. 32(August): 475-478. 2001. Extended review of: Punishment in America: Social Control and the Ironies of Imprisonment. By Michael Welch. The Politics of Injustice: Crime and Punishment in America. By Katherine Beckett and Theodore Sasson. Doing Time: Prison Experience and Identity among First Time Inmates. By Richard S. Jones and Thomas J. Schmid. Engendering Resistance: Agency and Power in Women's Prisons. By Mary Bosworth. British Journal of Criminology. 41(4): 755-761. 1999. The Social Worlds of Sentencing. By Jeffery Ulmer. Symbolic Interaction. 22(4): 393-395. 1998. The Contours of Psychiatric Justice: A Postmodern Critique of Mental Illness, Criminal Insanity, and the Law. By Bruce A. Arrigo. Justice Quarterly 15(September): 573-578. 1998. Opposing Ambitions: Gender and Identity in an Alternative Organization. By Sherryl Kleinman. Sociological Inquiry, (**) 1994. Screwing the System and Making it Work, by Mark D. Jacobs. Public Administration Quarterly, ?(&&): **-**. 1991. Cyberpunk: Outlaws and Hackers in the Electronic Frontier, by Katie Hafner and John Markoff. Cu Digest, 3.31. 1992. Protectors of Privilege, by Frank Donner, in Contemporary Sociology, 21(1): 88. 1989. Whitefella' School, by Ralph Folds. In Contemporary Sociology, 18(6): 952. 1988. Review Essay: Crime and Culture in America: A Comparative Perspective, by Parviz Saney. The Scapegoat, by Rene Girard. Responses to Crime, by David James G.H. (Lord) Windlesham. Vengeance: The Fight against Injustice, by Pietro Marongiu and Graeme Newman. Women, Crime and Criminal Justice, by Allison Morris. In Journal of Legal Education, 38(September): 437-450. 1989. Beyond Monopoly: Lawyers, State Crises, and Professional Empowerment, by Terence C. Halliday. In Sociological Inquiry, 59(Winter): 105-107. 1988. Governing Prisons: A Comparative Study of Correctional Management, by John J. DiIulio. In Journal of Military and Political Sociology, 16(Spring): 123-124. 1988. Framing the Criminal: Crime, Cultural Work, and the Loss of Critical Perspective, 1830-1900, by David R. Papke. In Journal of Legal Education, 38(September): 469-470. 1987. Armed and Considered Dangerous, by James D. Wright and Peter H. Rossi. In Corrections Today, 49(August): 182, 184 1987. The Politics of Broadcasting, Raymond Kuhn (ed.), and The Chilling Effect in TV News: Intimidation by the Nixon White House, by Marilyn A. Lashner. In Contemporary Sociology, 16(1): 70-71. 1985. Indeterminate Sentencing, by Diane Goodstein and John Hepburn. In Corrections Today, 47(December): 100-101. 1985. Consumerist Criminology, by Leslie T. Wilkins, in Contemporary Sociology 14(July): 461-463. 1985. The Joint: Language and Culture in a Maximum Security Prison, by Inez Cardozo Freeman, in Urban Life, 13(January): 432-435. 1985. Charles Stastny and Gabrielle Tynauer, Who Rules the Joint? and Jacobs, James B., New Perspectives on Prisons and Imprisonment, in Journal of Military and Political Sociology, 13(1): 148-150. 1983. Jon Snodgrass, The Jack-Roller at Seventy, and James Bennett, Oral History and Delinquency: The Rhetoric of Criminology, in American Journal of Sociology: 89(3): 770-773. 1982. Richard Kilminster, Sociological Dialogue with Lukacs, Gramsci, and the Frankfurt School, (in Urban Life, 11(April): 129-132. 1981. Piers Beirne and Robert Sharlet (eds), Pashukanis: Selected Writings on Marxism and Law, (in Journal of Military and Political Sociology. December: 317-319. 1981. Jason Ditton, Controlology: Beyond the New Criminology, in Contemporary Sociology, 10(May): 383-384. 1981. Jorge Larrain, The Concept of Ideology, (in Contemorary Sociology, 10(May): 425-426. 1979. Max Horkheimer, Dawn and Decline: Notes 1926-1931 and 1950-1969, (in Contemporary Sociology, 9(May): 4). 1977. George Lukacs, History and Class Consciousness Gianfranco Poggi, Images of Society and Anthony Giddens, Capitalism and Modern Social Theory, (in Philosophy of the Social Sciences, 7(June): 201-206). 1976. T.B. Bottomore, Sociology as Social Criticism, (in Contemporary Sociology, 5(September): 668-669). 1974. W.J. Goldstein, et. al., Pornography and Sexual Deviance, (in Social Studies (Irish Journal of Sociology), Vol 3: 343-44). __________________________________________________________
2013. Session Organizer/Discussant. "Pursuing Fame and Glory as an Interactionist: How Graduate students" do it!" Midwest Sociological Society annual meetings. Chicago, March 29. 2013: "You Proved What? Deconstructing Media Depictions of Criminal Justice 'Research." Correctional Accreditation Managers Association. Richmond (VA), May 5. 2013. "The Accreditation Generation: Why Communicate Standards?" Correctional Accreditation Managers Association. Richmond, (VA): May 6. . 2012. "Social Media and Crime: The Origins." Prepared for the Correctional Accrediation Managers Association annual conference. Austin, April 23. 2012. "Organizing for our Future: Students, Mentors, and Corrections." Prepared for the American Correctional Association annual conference. Phoenix. January 21. 2010. "Accreditation goes to College." Prepared for the Correctional Accrediation Mangers Association annual conference. Columbus, May 3. 2010. Session organizer/Presider/Discussant. "Communities and Crime: Sentencing and Incaraceration." Midwest Sociological Society annual meetings. Chicago. April 1. 2009. "A Valentine's Day Narrative: Confronting the Abyss." Prepared for the Americian Society of Criminology Meetings. Kansas City, November, 15. 2007. (and J. Adlophson): "Sex Offenders, Media, and the Politics of Fear." Presented at the American Correctional Association conference, Kansas City. August 14, 2007. 2006. "The Roots of Faith-Based Prison Programming: A Revisionist View." Paper presented at the American Society of Criminology. Los Angeles, November 3. 2006. "Confronting Obstacles - An Outsider Trying to Look." Presented at the American Correctional Association, Charlotte, August. 2005. "Re-assessing 'Convict Criminology'." Discussant paper presented to American Society of Criminology, Toronto, November. 2004. "From Classroom to Workplace." Paper presented to American Correctional Association, Phoenix, August. 2004. "The Legacy and Life of TR Young." Paper presented at the Society for the study of Social Problems Annual Meetings, San Francisco, August 14. 2003. "Getting in is Half the Fun: IRB Gatekeeping and Criminal Justice March." Presented at the American Society of Criminology Annual Meetings. Denver, November 18. 2003. "Citizen Involvement: The Value of Partnerships in Meeting Accreditation Standards--an Outsider's View." Correctional Accreditation Managers' Association/ACA, New Orleans. May 12. 2003. "Protection Human Subjects or Protecting Human Scholars? Who Protects us from the IRB?" Prepared for Society for the Study of Symbolic Intearaction/Couch-Stone Symposium. Tempe, Arizona. February 7. 2002 (and B. Zaitzow). "Praise the Lord and 'Get Me the Hell Outta' Here': Religion and Coping in Prison." Paper for the Southern Sociological Society annual meetings, Baltimore, April 4. 2002. "Re-examining Human Subjects Protections in Ethnographic Research: Unpacking the Memes of Over-Zealous Oversight." Paper presented to the Midwest Sociological Society Annual Meetings, Milwaukee. April 7. 2000. "Information Technology and Online Education: Hypsters, Huckster, and Hustlers, or Pedagogical Progress?" American Sociological Association Annual Meetings. August. 2000. Pirandello Meets the 'New Panopticon:' Technology, Domination, and Heterogendering on Cell Block D." American Sociological Association Annual Meetings. August. 2000. "Online Criminal Justice 'Learning:' An Oxymoron?" Midwest Sociological Society Annual Meetings, April. 1999. "The Antinomies of Internet Research." National Communication Association Annual Convention, Nov. 4-7. Chicago. 1999. "Re-Assessing Models of Prison Culture: Does Gender Matter?" (With B. Zaitzow). American Society of Criminology Annual Meetings, Toronto, November. 1999. "Balancing the Ethical Conundrums of Internet Research: An Existentialist View from the Trenches." American Association for the Advancement of Science - Program on Scientific Freedom, Responsibility and Law Workshop. June 10, Washington, D.C. 1998. "A Critical Review of the 1995 Prisoner Litigation Reform Act. American Society of Criminology Annual Meetings. Washington, November. 1996. "Crime, Computers, and Socially Constructed Problems. " Midwest Sociological Society Annual Meetings. Chicago, April. 1996. "Pedagogy and Technology. " Society for the Study of Symbolic Interaction - Stone Symposium. Des Moines, May. 1996. "When Cyber-research goes Awry. " Society for the Study of Social Problems annual meetings, Washington, August. 1996. "Cyberporn, Ethics, and Martin Rimm. " Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility annual conference. Chicago, October. 1996. "Academic Freedom, Ethics, and Human Subjects Research. " American Society of Criminology. Boston, November. 1994. "Privacy, Viruses, and Crime on the Nets: Law, Ethics and "Cyber-control". Paper presented for annual Computers, Freedom, and Privacy Conference (Chicago, March). 1994."Ethics, Control, and Computer Deviance." Featured speaker at Femi Labs (Batavia, Ill). June. 1994."Researching Crime and Ethnography in Cyberspace." Paper presented at the American Society of Criminology annual meetings (Miami, November). 1993."Playground or Battleground? Ethics, Control, and Computer Deviance in Cyberspace--an Ironic View." American Society of Criminology annual Meetings, Phoenix, (Oct. 30). 1993."Settling the Electronic Frontier--a View from the Underground." Midwest Sociologial Society annual meetings, Chicago (April). 1992. "Civil Liberties and Computer Culture." American Computer Manufacturers Conference, Chicago (November). 1992. "Abolitionist Thinking and "the Problem with Henry." Midwest Sociological Society, April. 1991. "From Disk to Discourse: The Images of Techno-Evil." Prepared for American Society of Criminology annual meetings, San Francisco, November. 1991. "Legal Rhetoric and Social Control: Malice in Wonderland?" Prepared for Midwest Sociological Society annual meetings, Des Moines, April. 1990. "In Defense of the Computer Underground." Prepared for American Society of Criminology annual meetings, Washington, D.C., November. 1990. "(Witch)Hunting for the Computer Underground." Prepared for Law and Society annual meetings, San Francisco, June. 1990. "Wither Postmodernism?" Prepared for Midwest Sociological Society, Chicago, April. 1989. "The Baudy World of the Byte Bandit." American Society of Criminology annual meetings, Reno (November). 1989. "Computer Hacking and the Postmodernist Condition." Prepared for Society for the Study of Social Problems annual meetings, San Francisco. 1989. "Phracks, Hacks, and Cons: The Cultural Meaning of the Computer Underground." Prepared for the Midwest Sociological Society annual meetings, St. Louis (April). 1988. "Is there a Feminist Jurisprudence?" American Society of Criminology annual meetings, Chicago (November). 1987."Why do Prisoners Litigate? Assessing Theories of Prisoner Litigation." Society of Criminology, Montreal, November. 1987. "The Symbolic and Instrumental Uses of Prison Violence." Prepared for Society for the Study of Social Problems annual meetings, Chicago, August. 1986. "Prisoner Litigation: Boon or Bane?" American Society of Criminology annual meetings, Atlanta (October). 1986. "Politics and Cueing Theory: The Ideology of Judicial Decision Making." Law and Society Association annual conference, Chicago (May). 1986. "Dirty Knowledge and Clean Conscience: The Dilemmas of Ethnographic Research." Society of Symbolic Interaction annual symposium, Iowa City (May). 1986. "Tortured Images: Prisoners in Cinema." Fourth Annual Conference on Film, Kent State University (April). 1986. "The Social Enactment of Power in Prison: The Case of Disciplinary Hearings." The Midwest Sociological Association annual Meetings, Des Moines (March). 1985. "The Rhetoric of History and the Images of Law: Myths as Politics." Paper prepared for American Society of Criminology annual meetings, San Diego (November). 1985. "Critical Criminology and Mythic Struggle." Paper prepared for American Society of Criminology annual meetings, San Diego (November). 1985. "Fair and Gentle Railroad: Disciplinary Proceedings in Illinois since Wolff v. McDonnell." Paper prepared for Midwest Society of Criminal Justice Annual Meetings, Chicago, (October). 1984. "Policy and Legal Research: An Uncomfortable Marriage." Paper prepared for American Criminological Society annual meetings, Cincinnati (November). 1984. "Civil Rights and Habeas Corpus Litigation by Prisoners: A Comparison." Paper prepared for the Midwest Criminal Justice Association annual meetings, Chicago 1984. "Extra-Legal Factors in Judicial Decision Making: Ideology and Cue Theory." Paper prepared for the Midwest Sociological Society annual meetings, Chicago. 1983. "Civil Rights Litigation and Social Praxis." American Society of Criminology annual Meetings, Denver. 1983. Discussant: "Critical Theory and Symbolic Interaction." Society for the Study of Social Problems, Detroit. 1983. "Dialectical Method: Who Needs It?!?," Midwest Sociological Society annual meetings, Kansas City. 1982. "Toward a Critical Ethnography." Society for the Study of Social Problems, San Francisco. 1982. "Journal Content and Editorial Gatekeeping: Trends in Urban Life Acceptance and Rejection Decisions, 1972-81," Midwest Sociological Association, Des Moines. 1982. "Prison Chaos and Prison Law: Some Correlates between Institutions and Issues," North Central Sociological Association, Detroit. 1982. "The Status of Prison Law in Illinois," Law & Society Association, Toronto. 1981. "Class, State and Political Surveillance," Society for the Study of Social Problems, Toronto, August. 1981. "Legal Struggle as Social Praxis: The Prison Jailhouse Lawyer," North Central Sociological Association, Cleveland, April. 1981. "Structural Problems in Unconventional Settings: The Irony of Teaching Sociology in Maximum Security Prisons," Midwest Sociological Society, Minneapolis, April. 1981. "Negotiated Order in Maximum Security Prisons," Midwest Sociological Association, Minneapolis. 1980. "Law and Legal Repression," Society for the Study of Social Problems, New York, August. 1980. "The Adversary Process and the Subversion of Justice," North Central Sociological Association, Dayton. 1980. "Federal Sponsorship and Ideological Control in the Social Sciences," Midwest Sociological Association, Milwaukee. 1977. "Critical Theory and the Sociology of Knowledge," American Sociological Association, Chicago, September. 1973. "History and the Role of Theory," British Sociological Association Student Convention, Oxford, England, December.
MA and PhD Work
Masters Project: Toward a Sociology of Science Fiction, Michigan State University (1974). Doctoral Dissertation: The Relationship of Federal Sponsorship of Criminology and Policing Research in the Social Sciences. (Michigan State University, March, 1980). _________________________________________________________________