ROBERT MERTON AND ANOMIE THEORY STRAIN (or ANOMIE) THEORY is a derivative of FUNCTIONALISM--- PURPOSE: Merton wanted to account for things as functions of systems of properties (ie, ways in which cultural goals and opportunities for realizing them within the limits of institutional norms are distributed) He viewed the individual primarily in terms of the LEGITIMATE OPPORTUNITY STRUCTURE and posed questions regarding the DIFFERENCES IN OPPORTUNITIES FOR ACCESS. MERTON represents U.S. sociology's FIRST genuine theoretical break with a general theory of society---he develops his view instead within a specific theory of deviance. . .i.e., specificlaly a deviance theory---Chicago School and Functionalism were theories of society. Merton scaled down Parson's "GRAND THEORY" of society to a "THEORY OF THE MIDDLE RANGE" to focus on a specific topic--deviance (ie, crime/delinquency). MERTON wants to examine how SOCIAL STRUCTURES exert a definite pressure upon certain persons in society to facilitate their engagement in deviant acts: He identifies TWO KEY SITUATIONS: a) Culturally defined goals and b) Socially acceptable means to attain those goals (give examples of wealth, sports, etc) He constructs a TYPOLOGY (Define "TYPOLOGY" as simply a convenient way of CLASSIFYING related things) GOALS MEANS CONFORMING + + INNOVATION + - RITUALISM - + RETREATISM - - REBELLION +/- +/- His point: Lack of a high degree of integratin between means and ends favor increased frequency of anti-social conduct: (NOTE: THIS IMPLIES A DEFINITION OF "CRIME" THAT IS NOT LEGALISTIC, BUT NORMATIVE) Illegitmate adjustment is a means of attempting to attain cultully acceptable ends (e.g., wealth, status) by socially proscribed (ie, prohibited) means (e.g., theft) REPRHASED: When aspirations are blocked, it will lead to one of a variety of adaptive behaviors (in the typology) and the seach for avenues of escapte from culturlly-induced intolearable situatins or unrelieved ambitions may lead to illegitimate forms of adaptation (ie, crime) NOTE POLITICAL IMPLICATIONS: Merton is saying that crime MAY BE STRUCTRUALLY INDUCED---For Merton, deviance was "functional rebellion," a theme implied by him, and later developed by culture conflict theorists. ie, it may be a NORMAL response to ABNORMAL conditions---this, for its time, was RADICAL in that he was saying that society may NOT be set up to serve the interests of everybody.
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