Lecture Outline DAVID MATZA The following outline is intended to guide lecture on theories of crime and delinquency. Matza's primary contribution to delinquency---importance of this view is that it suggests that delinquency is something into which offenders "DRIFT" into and out of, thus challenging the utility of a concept of "delinquency" that can be applied to ANY act or individual, in that Delinquency may be a PHASE rather than a LIFE STYLE. NEUTRALIZATION THEORY: Associated with Matza and Sykes, this is useful in illustrating that contrary to some views (e.g., Miller, Cohen) delinquents may not by "IMMORAL' or hae different values than the rest of us bucause theytend to construct accounts to neturalize their acts and thus make them seem not so deviant. 1) denial of victim 2) denial of crime 3) blaming the victim 4) appeal to higher authority 5) blaming the blamers SUBTERRANEAN VALUES: Contrary to some theorists we have read, Matza is suggesting that "delinquent values" are an expression of the same values of "Middle class" adolescents, but simply expressed in a different way.
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