These are typical of some of the multiple choice questions you will
see on the second exam. There are duplicates and some typos. Many have
been taken from earlier quizzes.
**. The abilitity to which people know other people who have connections
that can be used for rewards (jobs, meeting others, providing information)
is called:
a) Economic capital
b) Social capital
c) Cultural capital
d) Connected capital
e) Washington Capitols
**. According to text and lecture (Chapter 12), a person born in the US
in 1900 had a life expectancy of about:
a) 40 years
b) 50 years
c) 59 years
d) 66 years
e) 71 years
**. I am 65 years old and am happy with my identity as "senior citizen." But
I train for a triathlon (swimming, biking, running)
and have the speed and times of a 40 year old. 40 would be my:
a) Chronological age
b) Functional age
c) Conceptual age
d) Self-identity age
e) Retirement age
**. The view that sex roles are a form of power struggle typifies which theory?
a) Conflict theory
b) Functionalism
c) Interactionist theory
d) Gender role status
e) Relativity Theory
**. According to the text, which IS NOT a characteristic of a MINORITY GROUP?
a) They experience unequal tratment
b) Membership is usually voluntary
c) Members generally intermarry
d) Member have strong sense of solidarity
e) Members are usually stigmatized
**. Some people are classified as "WHITE." This is an example of:
a) Class
b) Race
c) Ethnicity
d) Nationality
e) Could be any of the above
**. According to lecture, death of a spouse is most-traumatic for
a) Husbands
b) Wives
c) Parents
d) Children
e) All of the above about equally
**. According to functionalists, the "inevitability" of death leads old people
to draw into inactivity. This is known as:
a) Passivity
b) Disengagement
c) Altheimer's syndrome
d) Senility
e) Denial
**. According to Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, which of the following
IS NOT a stage of dying:
a) Denial
b) Anger
c) Bargaining
d) Depression
e) Religious conversion
**. If you were born in the U.S. and your mother is black and your father
Irish, your NATIONALITY would be:
a. American
b. Black
c. Irish
d. Afro-Irish
e. All of the above
**. According to the text, if you personally like blacks but don't want to
hire one because your customers object, this is an example of:
a) Prejudice
b) Discrimination
c) Symbolic racism
d) Bigotry
e) Cultural relativism
**. The view that CLASS can be measured by studying your socio-economic status
is closest to that of:
a) Marx
b) Weber
c) Durkheim
d) Mead
e) Goffman
**. The view that stratification is necessary and serves an important purpose
in stabilizing society is closest to:
a) Racism
b) Functionalism
c) Conflict theory
d) Marxism
e) Liberalism
**. When you graduate from NIU you may have a job as a bank clerk, but wh
you retire, you may be bank president. This is an example of:
a) Horizontal mobility
b) Inter-generational mobility
c) Intra-generational mobility
d) Corporate mobility
e) All of the above
**. Hereditary systems of rank, usually religiously dictated, that are
relatively fixed and immobile are called:
a) Classes
b) Achieved status
c) Castes
d) Persecution
e) Hypergamy
**. Which of the following true of statuses?
a) they order and rank people
b) They provide identity symbols and shape roles
c) They shape one's life chances
d) The determine who does or does not receive rewards
e) All of the above are true
**. The interactionist perspective that states that in cooperative
circumstances, inter-racial contact between people of equal status
will reduce predudice is known as:
a) The contact hypothesis
b) The leveling hypothesis
c) The "Archie-Bunker" hypothesis
d) The degradation-reaction hypothesis
e) The null hypothesis
*. A subordinate group whose members have significantly less control or power
over their own lives than the members of a dominant or majority group is:
a) An ethnic group
b) An out-group
c) A minority group
d) An ethnocentric group
e) A decentralized marginality group
*. According to Chapter 11 (gender), the percentage of women making up health
service professions (nurses, aides, etc) is about:
a) 49 percent
b) 59 percent
c) 69 percent
d) 79 percent
e) 89 percent
*. The disengagement theory of aging (which holds that as people age they
become less involved in social activities) is most-closely associated with:
a) Conflict theory
b) Symbolic Interactionism
c) Feminism
d) Functionalism
e) Differential Association
*. A highly regulated and predictable set of social practices that guides
social and cultural activity is called:
a) Social structure
b) An Institution
c) A normative system
d) Secularism
e) Ritualistic interaction
*. The theory that tends to see the elderly as socially isolated with
reduced social roles is:
a) Conflict theory
b) Elderly abuse theory
c) Symbolic interactionism
d) Functionalism
e) Relative Deprivation theory
*. According to lecture, the percentage of people in the
US who are on welfare for UNDER four years and get off it,
and do not return is about:
a) 80 percent
b) two-thirds
c) About half
d) about one third
e) Only about 10 percent
*. For Weber (BUT NOT FOR MARX), class system is a social ranking based
primarily on:
a) Economic position
b) Religious and ethnic background
c) age
d) Caste
e) Position in the means and mode of production
*. Relatively low-paying, nonmanual, semi-skilled
occupations held primarily by women are known as:
a) White collar occupations
b) Blue collar occupations
c) Pink collar occupations
d) Red collar occupations
e) Scuffed collar occupations
*. Which of the following theories IS NOT a structural theory of
social stratification?
a) Functionalism
b) Conflict theory
c) Marxian theory
d) Interactionist theory
e) All are structural theories
*. According to the text (Chapter 9), only one of the following states
is among the top 10 of US state's median income. That state is:
a) California
b) New Mexico
c) Florida
d) Illinois
e) Maine
*. According to chapter 9, the WEALTHIEST ONE PERCENT of the US
population owns about what percentage of the wealth in the US?
a) 85 percent
b) 58 percent
c) 42 percent
d) 38 percent
e) 25 percent
*. According to the text (chapter 9), which of the following professions
has the higest prestige rating (according to most-recent figures listed):
a) College professor
b) Dentist
c) Police officer
d) Acccountant
e) Mail carrier
*. The leading cause of death in the United States is:
a) Heart disease
b) Accidents
c) Strokes
d) Accidents (of all kinds - auto, home, etc)
e) Homicide (including drunken driving)
*. Gerontology is the study of:
a) Gender and race
b) Aging
c) Language and the social construction of institutions
d) Patriarchy
e) White privilege
*. Economic gain derived from wages, aid and other sources, including
ownership of property, that brings in money, is called:
a) Wages
b) Salary
c) Wealth
d) Income
e) Remuneration
*. You do a survey of nine people. Their ages are:
20, 30, 30, 30, 40, 50, 50, 80 and 90.
The MEDIAN of this group is:
a) 46.66
b) 420
c) 40
d) 30
e) 50
*. According to text and lecture, to emphasize age stratification in the
workplace, we learned that the percentage of people over 40 years old
in the workplace (in the U.S.) is roughly:
a) 20 percent
b) 30percent
c) 40 percent
d) 50 percent
e) 60 percent
**. One percent of the richest people own what percent of the nation's wealth?
a) 25 percent
b) 17 percent
c) 11 percent
d) 6 percent
e) 1 percent
*. The real median household income of a family in the U.S. (according
to lecture and other 2002 sources provided) is about:
a) $13,450
b) $23,880
c) $43,318
d) $58,711
e) $69,458
*. According to the text, a negative attitude based on faulty generalizations
about members of selected racial and ethnic groups is called:
a) Bias
b) Racism
c) Prejudice
d) Discrimination
e) Stereotyping
*. According to lecture, the concept of social distance is associated mostly
a) Conflict theory
b) spatial ecology theory
c) Symbolic interaction
d) Functionalism
e) Critical race theory
*. According to class, what percent of welfare recipients are African
a) About 75
b) About two-thirds
c) About 56
d) About 40
e) About 25
*. According to class, the average number of children of welfare
recipients is about:
a) 11
b) 9
c) 6
d) 4
e) Less than three
*. Although the average family wealth in the U.S. is around $70,000,
about what percentage of the population has no wealth or negative income
(ie, in debt more than their wealth):
a) 60
b) 50
c) 40
d) 30
e) 20
*. You don't know a person's birthdate, but you think they are probably
about 70 because they are slow, look very old, have little strength or
coordination, and seem a bit senile. Your guess of 70 is an example of:
a) Functional Age
b) Conceptual Age
c) Chronological Age
d) Stigmatization Age
e) Coordinative degenerative age
*. The interactionist perspective that states that in cooperative
circumstances, inter-racial contact between people of equal status
will reduce predudice is known as:
a) The contact hypothesis (or social distance hypothesis)
b) The leveling hypothesis
c) The "Archie-Bunker" hypothesis
d) The degradation-reaction hypothesis
e) The null hypothesis
*. A subordinate group whose members have significantly less control or power
over their own lives than the members of a dominant or majority group is:
a) An ethnic group
b) An out-group
c) A minority group
d) An ethnocentric group
e) A decentralized marginality group
*. The disengagement theory of aging (which holds that as people age they
become less involved in social activities) is most-closely associated with:
a) Conflict theory
b) Symbolic Interactionism
c) Feminism
d) Functionalism
e) Differential Association
*. The theory that tends to see the elderly as socially isolated with
reduced social roles is:
a) Conflict theory
b) Elderly abuse theory
c) Symbolic interactionism
d) Functionalism
e) Relative Deprivation theory
*. According to lecture and text, the percentage of people in the US who
are on welfare for UNDER four years and do not return thereafter is about:
a) 80 percent
b) two-thirds
c) About half
d) about one third
e) Only about 10 percent
For Weber (BUT NOT FOR MARX), class system is a social ranking based
a) Economic position
b) Religious and ethnic background
c) age
d) Caste
e) Position in the means and mode of production
The view that it is good to have poor people because it creates jobs
for social workers is most closely associated with:
a) Conflict theory
b) Functionalism
c) Interactionism
d) Fascism
e) Marxism
*. According to lecture and text, the WEALTHIEST one-fifth (20 pct) of the US
population owns about what percentage of the wealth in the US?
a) 85 percent
b) 66 percent
c) Half
d) 38 percent
e) 25 percent