1. The assumption that old people are more satisfied in old age if they
remain active and find new statuses, roles, and activities is associated
a) Symbolic Interaction/Activity Theory
**b) Functionalism/Disengagement theory
c) Conflict Theory/Inequality
d) Feminism/Patriarchy
e) Socio-biology theory/Genetic pre-disposition
2. According to lecture, studies on male/female interaction have shown that:
**a) Men interrupt women more than vice-versa
b) Women interrupt men more than vice versa
c) They interrupt about equally
d) Nobody knows for sure
e) Neither interrupt very often
3. A concept developed by Robert Park that results in stigmatization, or
attributing symbols that devalue a person's social identity is:
a) Social Outcasting
** b) Social Marginality
c) Social Demenology
d) Social Conflict
e) Social Deviance
4. Max Weber said that a set of characteristics that typify something
and serves as a standard for comparing similar things is called:
**a) An ideal type
b) A biotic metaphor
c) An independent variable
d) A symbiotic type
e) The sociological imagination
5. An Irish game with bat-like sticks, a sluider, a big field and
a bunch of Irishmen is called:
**a) Hurling
b) Burling
c) Curling
d) Gnarling
e) Lacrosse
6. The point of the instructor's Irish HURLING story was that:
a) It illustrated how heavy drinking is a sign of status for old folk
**b) It showed that people can still be active when very old
c) It showed how women are excluded from political power
d) It showed how delinquency emerges from violent sports
e) It wasn't a story--it was a video shown at the end of class
7. The abilitity to which people know other people who have connections
that can be used for rewards (jobs, meeting others, providing information)
is called:
a) Economic capital
**b) Social capital
c) Cultural capital
d) Connected capital
e) Washington Capitols
8. According to text and lecture (Chapter 12), a person born in the US
in 1900 had a life expectancy of about:
a) 40 years
**b) 50 years
c) 59 years
d) 66 years
e) 71 years
9. I am 69 years old and am happy with my identity as "senior citizen." But
I train for a triathlon (swimming, biking, running)
and have the speed and times of a 40 year old. 40 would be my:
a) Chronological age
**b) Functional age
c) Conceptual age
d) Self-identity age
e) Retirement age
10. The view that sex roles are a form of power struggle typifies which theory?
**a) Conflict theory
b) Functionalism
c) Interactionist theory
d) Gender role status
e) Relativity Theory
11. According to the text, which IS NOT a characteristic of a MINORITY GROUP?
a) They experience unequal tratment
**b) Membership is usually voluntary
c) Members generally intermarry
d) Member have strong sense of solidarity
e) Members are usually stigmatized
12. Some people are classified as "WHITE." This is an example of:
a) Class
**b) Race
c) Ethnicity
d) Nationality
e) Could be any of the above
13. According to Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, which of the following IS NOT a stage
of dying:
a) Denial
b) Anger
c) Bargaining
d) Depression
**e) Religious conversion
14. If you were born in the U.S. and your mother is black and your father
Irish, your NATIONALITY would be:
**a. American
b. Black
c. Irish
d. Afro-Irish
e. All of the above
15. According to the text, if you personally like blacks but don't want to
hire one because your customers object, this is an example of:
a) Prejudice
**b) Discrimination
c) Symbolic racism
d) Bigotry
e) Cultural relativism
16. The view that CLASS can be measured by studying your socio-economic status
is closest to that of:
a) Marx
**b) Weber
c) Durkheim
d) Mead
e) Goffman
17. The view that stratification is necessary and serves an important purpose
in stabilizing society is closest to:
a) Racism
**b) Functionalism
c) Conflict theory
d) Marxism
e) Liberalism
18. Hereditary systems of rank, usually religiously dictated, that are
relatively fixed and immobile are called:
a) Classes
b) Achieved status
**c) Castes
d) Persecution
e) Hypergamy
19. The interactionist perspective that states that in cooperative
circumstances, inter-racial contact between people of equal status
will reduce predudice is known as:
**a) The contact hypothesis
b) The leveling hypothesis
c) The "Archie-Bunker" hypothesis
d) The degradation-reaction hypothesis
e) The null hypothesis
20. A highly regulated and predictable set of social practices that guides
social and cultural activity is called:
a) Social structure
**b) An Institution
c) A normative system
d) Secularism
e) Ritualistic interaction
21. According to the text, which of the following professions
has the higest prestige rating (according to most-recent figures listed):
**a) College professor
b) Dentist
c) Police officer
d) Acccountant
e) Mail carrier
22. Which of the following IS NOT an ACHIEVED STATUS?
a) Your profession
b) Your educational level
c) Your religion
**d) Your race
e) Your social class
23. A subordinate group whose members have significantly less control or power
over their own lives than the members of a dominant or majority group is:
a) An ethnic group
b) An out-group
**c) A minority group
d) An ethnocentric group
e) A decentralized marginality group
24. The view that it is good to have poor people because it creates jobs
for social workers is most closely associated with:
a) Conflict theory
**b) Functionalism
c) Interactionism
d) Fascism
e) Marxism
25. According to lecture, which of the following IS NOT an INSTITUTION?
a) Heterosexuality
b) Education
c) Marriage
**d) Race
e) The legal system