Here's how class participation works: It's quite simple. Your Class Participation grade is identical to your class performance percentage. For example: 1) Assume (as an example) that there are 500 TOTAL points available for all required work in the class. 2) If, on all required class work (EXCLUDING EXTRA CREDIT), you have earned about 75 percent, and if class participation is worth 10 percent, then: a) Class participation points, if worth about 10 percent, would make about 50 points available b) If you have a 75 percent average on all of your required work, which would be about 338 points (of the 450 points available of the 500 excluding EC), then your CP would be worth 75 percent (your average) x 50 (the points that EC is worth. This would give you about 38 points of EC added on to that 338. c) For 90 pct of the class, it's that simple. Nothing fancy. Here's how CP is determined: CP is a demonstration of involvment with the material, with the class, and with "the sociological imagination." We assume that your normal grade reflects this. BUT: b) You can UP by showing special involvelment: 1) Visiting us during office hours 2) Answering questions in class 3) Turning in drafts of papers 4) Turning in extra credit 5) Demonstrating involvement in other ways (participating in sociological activities; Working with us on special projects that you have designed, etc) c) You can LOWER your CP by: 1) Missing classes 2) Disrupting classes by talking to your neighbors 3) Cheating 4) Turning in late papers or missing an exam without permission NOTE: Class attendance DOES NOT count to increase CP, because you are expected to come to class. YOu don't get rewarded for doing what you're supposed to be doing.
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