DUE: Monday, November 1 (At the start of class) EXTRA CREDIT VALUE: Up to 10 points LENGTH: 750-800 words (3-4 pages) Read this article on White Privilege Think about these questions, and then write an essay (NOT a point-by-point short-answer) (NOTE: You can substitute "MALE PRIVILEGE" or "HETEROSEXUAL PRIVILEGE" if you wish) 1) What is the author saying? 2) Is the author's position convincing? 3) Can you identify at least 10 ways in which white privilege or male privilege, gives a student benefits at NIU? (Pick EITHER white or male, but NOT both) NOTE: One way to look at this assignment is by drawing from Goffman or dramaturgy and asking: "How do we DO gender/race/whatver" as a social performance. Remember - it helps to read the relevant chapters in the text before reading the article.
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