WHAT: The book: Eats, Shoots & Leaves: The Zero Tolerance Approach to by Lynne Truss --FOR UP TO 10 points: If turned in Friday, November 30 (At the start of class) --FOR UP TO 20 points: If turned in Friday, November 15 (At the start of class) LENGTH: 1,000 to 1,200 words (3-4 pages) (order from amazon.com and share) FIRST: Read this joke. Then: 1) Summarize what the book is about 2) What five (5) points did you learn from it? How will it help you improve your writing? 3) Make sure your final paper contains no mistakes that you should have not have made after reading the book, or your extra credit paper will be reduced dramatically, even if it's already been graded!
Page maintained by: Jim Thomas - jthomas@math.niu.edu