--STRESS: ETHNOGRAPHY is as much about developing OUR OWN skills as it is about reading books --review (qual methods --ethics (emilio brouha) **Hit Belmont Principles --kirk & miller: IS QUAL RESEARCH SUBJECTIVE? No: It's looking at subjective data OBJECTIVELY **Validity and Reliability positivist (quant) v qual . Example of Chauncey at a party (p 19 ff) **History (who are those names?) **.Calling things by right names. (p 23 ff) - .gang jacket. (tie this to fieldnotes) **Theoretical validity: We test our theories constantly (as we'll see in Glaser & Strauss later) **The problem of RELIABILITY: 1) QUIXOTIC RELIABILITY: a single method yields unvarying outcomes (measurement) (Broken thermometer an example); "Good guard = dead guard" or "how ya doing?" Point: When people respond consistenlty "I'm doin' fine," we might assume they are. Reliable, but invalid 3) DIACHRONIC RELIABILITY: Stability of observations over time. We see the same thing over and over. When I say "How ya doin'," I get the same response in 1980 or 2011. 4) SYNCHRNOIC RELIABILITY: Similarity of observations within the same time period. (Galileo's observations). It involves consistency. Can be useful when it's not consistent (as when we vary our Greetings and get similar or very different responses. POINT: OUR FIELDNOTES ARE CRITICAL!! BUT.WE MUST CONSTANTLY ASSESS HOW WE INTERPRET THINGS, HOW WE NAME THEM, AND HOW WE REPORT THEM **TYPES OF ERRORS 1. Type 1: Rejecting null hypothesis when it's true 2. Type 2: Accepting a null hypothesis when it's false 3. Type 3: Asking the wrong questions **Four phases of ethno research 1. Getting in and getting along (copping directions; copping a look; copping a taste) 2. Discovery: Getting Data (Scoring a chance; scoring facts; scoring and ending) 3. Interpretation: Getting it straight: validity/reliability again, plus how we interpret & report 4. Getting out and getting even: Splitting up, splitting the take, splitting the scene FOR THURSDAY: An experiment and read Spradley
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