ROUGH LECTURE OUTLINE - Spradley: pp 173-223

I. Review prior Steps
   A. So far: The goal has been to describe the CULTURAL MEANINGS
SYSTEMS that people use to organize their behavior

   B. "Meaning" comes from symbols and how they are used.

   C. We can use ANY symbolic system that people have created,
      whether movies, computer logs, statues, documents, 
      observations, or language
   D. Symbols always relate to other symbols. A group of symbols
      related to other symbols is called a "meanings system."
      Clothing (t-shirts), handshakes, queuing behavior---these
      all contain symbols that reflect a pattern, and that pattern
      can be a "meanings system."  These systems and the symbols
      that create them can overlap with, or even conflict, with
      other meanings systems.

II. Step 10: Making a Componential Analysis

A COMPONENTIAL ANALYSIS is simpy looking for the components of
meaning--including similarities and differences (contrasts).
For example (from Spradley):
    --TREE (a domain)
        --pine tree (type of tree)
        --apple tree (type of tree)

   --FRUIT  (domain)
      --apple (type of fruit)
      --grape (type of fruit)

   --WOOD (domain)
      --pine (type of wood)
      --mahogany (type of wood)

So, our domains (cover terms) and our types (included terms) are
symantically related. This are obviously THINGS. The trick is
to look at the various ATTRIBUTES of what we produced. The
COMPONENATIAL ANALYSIS  (in this example) is simply analyzing
(ie, "looking for") the MULTIPLE RELATIONSHIPS between things.

To do this, we fall back on a TAXONOMY, which we will explain
next time.

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