Paper #4: Library Research Assignment and literature integration DUE: Monday, November 26 at class time LENGTH: About 2,000 or more words (roughly 10-15 pages) POINTS: Up to 30 (Late papers penalized at 10 percent a day up to 30 percent of the grade - No papers accepted after Friday, Nov 30) This paper integrates your previous papers, and should be considered a very rough draft of your final paper. In it, you should have these sections (with section headers): 1) INTRO: A strong introduction, now tailored to the focus of your study 2) METHODS: A strong methods section, developing what you wrote for a previous paper 3) CONCEPTUAL ISSUES: This can have different names, but you need a strong explanation, either right after the intro or after the methods section. There is no hard rule for this, but you must explain to your reader what the core themes/ideas will be BEFORE you develop them. 4) LITERATURE REVIEW: This can be done in two ways. a) A separate section called "literature review" in which you draw from other studies to build on, or to explain, your own study. b) No separate "literature review" section, but spread cites throughout your paper, especially in the conceptual section. The goal is to show you've done your homework and know the material!! 5) ANALYSIS: This is where you put your analysis, preferable in subsections for each one, which makes it easier to write and easier to read. Each subsection should be self-explanatory and have lots of data. There is no set number of citations for a final paper. Usually 10-20 is sufficient. The goal is quality of cites (solid research articles on-point) and enough to show you've learned from them. Jstor is the easiest source. You must be familiar with the articles, and DO NOT just take a summary from some internet source. All of your claims must be defended. 6) DISCUSSION SECTION: Explain your findings 7) SUMMARY/CONCLUSION: Tell us what you've done. Put nothing new in this section - it ties it all together. PLEASE LOOKE AT SOME OF THESE examples of ethnographies that we have discussed in class for a model of what an ethnographic paper is.
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