The final paper is due Wednesday, December 12, at noon. NO PAPERS ACCEPTED AFTER December 12, at 12:05.. Your paper will pull together your shorter papers and you Will tie it all together with a coherent qualitative analysis. **The final paper will be 18-22 pages long (between 4,000-5,000 words) **There is no assigned number of references in your bibliography, but there should enough to illustrate that you understand the topic and what others have written. Normally, a bibliograpy is between 12-25 articles. This sounds like a lot, but we will learn research skills that make is fairly easy **The paper is due on Wednesday, December 5. **You may turn in drafts of the final paper up to 10 days prior to the due date The paper will reflect all the reading, research, and analysis you have done during the semester. The final paper is where you illustrate that you understand qualitative methods and teach your readers something interesting and new about your topic. Here are some hints on the basic structure of the paper and what should be in it. Here are two examples of past student papers: **An example: College Drinking Culture **An example: The Etiqutte of On-line Gaming Here are some articles that many students have found useful both for their own research as well as illustrating what a qualitative paper looks like:
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