OCTOBER 1 TO DECEMBER 12 OCTOBER 1 Continue with Spradley - Catch-up and review 3 Starting data collection --Interviewing: Spradley - Step 2 (pp 55-77) 5 Spradley, pp 78-119 8 Spradley, pp 120-184 10 In-class interviews (finish pp 120-184) 12 No Class - ICA student Prison tour to Angola 15 No Class - ICA student Prison tour to Angola 17 Coding lecture: Spradley - pp 185-203 19 TBA 22 Complete Spradley (review and catch-up) 24 Conceptual analysis lecture 26 PAPER #3 DUE (TBA) 29 Building on concepts and themes 31 Building on concepts and themes (con't) NOVEMBER 2 Lecture: Dramaturgy 5 --In-class consultations 7 --In class consultations 9 --NO CLASS - Field trip 12 Goffman & "expression gaming" 14 Goffman - presentation of self 16 16 In-class consultations 19 (draft of PAPER #4 due (for those wanting comments over break) 21 & 23 = no class: Thanksgiving 26 Paper #4 due (the required time): Lecture: Intro to grounded theory 28 Grounded theory (con't) 30 In-class consultations and review DECEMBER 3 --Grounded theory (conclusion);--Paper #5 (OPTIONAL) due 5 --Lecture: Conceptual summary 7 --NO CLASS: WORK ON YOUR PAPERS 10 --FINAL EXAM - 12 to 1:50 FINAL PAPERS DUE at noon sharp ========================= ASSIGNMENTS: AUGUST TO SEPTEMBER 30 AUGUST 27 --Introduction to Ethnography & Ethics 29 --Kirk & Miller (Validity/Reliability): Pp 9-41 31 --Kirk & Miller (Validity/Reliability): Remainder (pp 42-73) ============================ SEPTEMBER 3 --NO CLASS -- LABOR DAY 5 --Ethics & research: Three Studies: Are they ethical?" - be prepared to answer the questions at the end in class discussion on Wednesday --Also read: Read "Dirty Data" --Suggested background reading: IRBs, Ethics, and field research 7 --Begin Spradley (Part I: pages 3-39) ============================ 10 --Summary of ethnography; Introduction to data-gathering and methods Read "The man who would not die." 12 --Spradley: Pp 45-77 (up to Step 4) 14 --Review (Paper #1 due) ============================ 17 Chosing a research method 19 Getting started: READ Spradley, pp 17-54 21 NO CLASS - start working on paper #2 ============================ 24 NO CLASS - KEEP WORKING ON YOUR PAPERS 26 NO CLASS - INVEST TIME IN KEEP WORKING ON YOUR PAPERS 28 -- PAPER #2 due! --Discussion of papers ============================ OCTOBER AND NOVEMBER The assignments for October and November will be put up about Sept 10 after we have a sense of course progression, because after October 1 we will focus heavily on data collection and analysis, making sure everybody is caught up, and we will be doing less reading and more class interaction in discussing your papers and data.
Page maintained by: Jim Thomas - jthomas@math.niu.edu