Extra Credit--Sociology 377A


NOTE: Extra credit points CANNOT be used to move you into the A range.
Here are the basic RULES.
A final course grade of A CANNOT include extra credit, although it
will be noted in assessing the "class participation" component of grading.

YOU MUST DO YOUR OWN WORK. Copying a friend's will not be tolerated.
You may share URLs or point to other resources, but any hint of
riding a classmate's coattails will result in reduced credit or no credit.
Students caught plagiarizing or cheating will lose extra credit privileges,
and serious infractions might be reported to Student Judiciary. 

Extra credit will become less frequent, more difficult, and graded tougher
as the term goes along, so it's in your interests to do it early.

**NOTE:** Extra credit is given by points, not grade. You DO NOT get max
(or even many) points just for turning something in. For example, on a
20 point option, if you do what would be considered a "C" (or 75 percent)
on a paper, which is "fair/adequate", on extra credit you would get only
10 (of 20), because "adequate" or "fair" would be average. (It's like
judging a movie: a 5 out of 10 means "in the middle"). So, DO NOT just
turn something in. EC MEANS something! It's EXTRA, and *NOT* an entitlement.

  • Class leaders in extra credit
  • Extra Credit options


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    Page maintained by: Jim Thomas - jthomas@math.niu.edu